Penmark Property Advisors, LLC


Condominium & Cooperative Budget For Offering Plans

Preparation, review and certification of Schedules A and B for submission to the Attorney General. I have certified hundreds of Attorney General submissions. Please see references for a partial list of the buildings for which I have certified budgets.

Budget Advice

Every operating condominium or cooperative needs an annual budget. As former President of a major New York property management company, I was intimately involved with the Board's annual preparation and passage of hundreds of annual budgets. In addition, I am frequently engaged to evaluate budget issues for buildings that I am not currently managing.


As former president of a major NYC management company, I managed over two hundred high end New York City coops and condos.

Union Issues

Familiar with all aspects of New York City building service employee union contract. I can advise on rights of termination, super buy-outs, doormen issues. See FAQs for some of the interesting issues that have arisen.

Disputes Between Ownership Interest

Your co-owner may be a not-for-profit organization. How does that affect your taxes? Your co-owner may be a restaurant that uses thousands of gallons of water, who pays? These are only two of the myriad of issues that have arisen in my almost 40 years in this business. See references under disputes.

Opening of New Buildings

The transition between a construction site to a fully functional operating building is a multi-year evolution. It must be done with skill and expertise. I have opened over 100 brand new buildings in Manhattan. In addition, I have opened buildings in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. It has been a privilege to welcome and acclimate these new owners who have paid many millions of dollars to their new home.